
DIY Tall Planter

I love planting flowers, and with all my Day Lilly’s blooming so big lately, I wanted something tall that you could see behind them. So I searched for options. Buying one that big was really expensive, so I decided to make my own. I used this pin I found on Pinterest as a guild, but I altered the measurements and a few other things to my liking. I used fence pickets, and decided what size I wanted it to be and drew out my plans. I used  a miter saw to cut my pieces at a 5 degree angle. I didn’t put it together the same way she did in her blog. I stained it with the same solid color stain that I used on my raised flower bed, you can see that post here. Measure twice, cut once, That’s my advice for this lol. 


Its on a slight slope, so I had to level it out with the bricks. You cant see those unless you get close enough.

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